[2024]Engilish Writing Tutoring
  • 작성자 (A073085 / 창의융합교육팀)
  • 작성일자
  • 조회24

We provide specific guidelines for all types of writing, from writing related to the subject, essay, academic plan, thesis abstract, self-introduction, etc. and 1:1 correctional guidance on the overall composition.

▩ Tutoring application draft format can be downloaded 

▩ It takes about 3 to 4 days from the date of application. 

▩ For exceeding the specified amount and for other inquiries, please contact the contact information below.

Center for Creative Convergence Education ERICA / 031-400-5768, 5902




▩ 在网站通告可以下载辅导申请资料。

▩ 增删期间: 申请日期后需要约3~4天

▩ 超过标准分量时或有其他疑问事项时联系电话。

Center for Creative Convergence Education ERICA



电话 :  031-400-5768, 5902 / haeun0802@hanyang.ac.kr

※ 추천 버튼 재클릭 시 추천이 취소됩니다.