[2021 Winter Session] How to fill out k-tutoring application : 1:1 Korean Writing tutoring with professors
- 작성자김석훈 (A047128 / 창의융합교육팀)
- 작성일자
- 조회170
We guide you on how to apply for K-tutoring as follows.
Please download the attachment, fill in the draft and apply.
💙 We provide Korean online writing tutoring considering the Korean level of foreign students.
Request essays, resumes, self-introduction, abstracts, short essays, etc.
💙 Title and file name : K-tutoring-name-student number
💙 File format : hwp (required)
💙 Amount : Within 2 sheets of A4 paper
💙 Tutoring period : Approximately 3~4 days
💙 Note
1) You can check/cancel tutoring history in My Portfolio-Consultation Participation History.
2) The submitted application form, manuscript, and tutoring details can be used for educational and research purposes of ERICA Writing Center
💙 Contact information
If you have any other questions, please contact the following contact information.
Center for Creative Convergence Education ERICA (ERICA 창의융합교육원)
Tel: 031-400-4210 / Email: nh1230@hanyang.ac.kr
Thank you.